"Hello darling. I hate to suggest because someone just did and it's already a beautiful list but, what about Lana Turner? I was taught that she was the epitome of a real, true woman. So she could repre"
"Adriana Lima!?!:( But otherwise perfect! Love Laetitia! And Adriana is a 4 and perfect. :)"
"Who wishes Gary Oldman was her grandfather? THIS GIRL. Lovely list!:D"
"Falling In Love At a Coffee Shop and All Is Love make me smile :)"
"White Room is my favorite song of all time! I respect you put it on here. :)"
"I love this list! My brother was in love with Kerri Green!"
"Right? It feels creepy saying it, especially about the animals...But Simba...He's a babe!;) And Damn. Please add (if you want) Jim from Treasure Planet! Om nom nom!;)"
"Gemma will always be the best in my eyes. She's a goddess!:)"
"They are all pretty and have their own sex appeal that appeals to many different men. But I must say that the lady who caught my eye was number 2. You will see I will vote for her. I went back to look"
"Wow. This is an amazing but disturbing list. Though most of these are ancient death penalties, it's scary some where used to treat people with schzophrenia and other disorders in the old asylums!:O"
"Amazing! Susanna Hoffs is always the prettiest! I hava a question for you! To a man, what is the difference between pretty and sexy? Just wondering!:D People call me pretty/gorgeous but never sexy. Wh"